Network marketing businesses are either legal or scam. When a network marketing business requires you to buy costly packages, but earns you less, it is often a scam. When it is otherwise, it is legal.
Despite the spread of networking scams, network marketing businesses still thrive because of quality products, good incentives, flexible working time and affordable investment.
The common products who worked around the network marketing are beauty, health, clothing and underwear, kitchenwares and insurance. Except insurances, those products were often small and medium home-based businesses that target women market.
Network marketing businesses primarily worked around these products because these were household and feminine products that women often needed. Moreover, women were empowered to work beyond housekeeping and earn extra household income.
So, Tupperware, Avon and Amway grabbed this feminized market and pioneered the network marketing business. Tupperware invited housewives in "Tupperware" parties to showcase plastic kitchen wares. Tupperware now becomes a household name for kitchen wares. Avon also did. They recruited women distributors to sell beauty products and later underwears and apparels. Amway capitalized on healthy lifestyle. They also started with women distributors because women, mostly mothers and husbands, were concern of the health of their children and husband.
These three companies did not only offer incentives, but also campaigns to empower women, to polarized their network. The companies supported women and health-related causes. Their campaigns were so effective that some men and senior citizens now also sell Tupperware and Amway, respectively. Their success also inspired more companies to manufacture more beauty, health, clothing and underwear and kitchenware. Forever Living and Sara Lee followed similarly.
But as their respective industry grew and internet was accessible, the industries reinvented their network marketing businesses. They jumped in online multi-level marketing and recruited more distributors through the internet. They built their own websites and sometimes did email marketing.
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